Easy One is a line of self-leveling gels that are designed for "no file technique" or very little filing. For all fans of selflevelling texture gels - your favorites are finally here!
The Easy One line is made out of 6 types of builder gels :
Quartz Clear (which is the most fluid gel , and the only one that is ALL-IN-ONE gel : base and builder )
Milky Way (beautiful „frosty „ soft Milky builder gel -requires base under)
Make up / Cover Pink (make up with exceptional pigment, builder gel , requires base gel under it )
Pink Star ( specific pink builder gel with high coverage , requires base gel under it )
Ivory ( soft white builder gel, requires base under it )
Body (cold tones cover builder gel , requires base inder it )
Advantages & how to use it :
Easy Level formula (self-leveling gels that don't leak into the cuticle when working, 2x2 fingers or one at a time paralel work)
Specially designed for quick salon work that does not require final filing after polimerization
Gels especcially made for "NO-file technique"
The perfect blend of flexibility and strength / quartz clear is the most fluid but also the most hardest gel , Cover Make up & Milky way are more flexible /
All gels are builder gels
excellent for natural nails as well as refill
not intened for making extra long nails on papper forms , due to the flexibility
Reduced burning sensation during polymerization
Ideal for refills
Very strong nail adhesion ( Quartz clear is base and build gel , Milky way and Cover requires clear base under them ! )
Beautiful natural colors of Milky way & strong pigment of Make up/ Cover Pink
Drying time : UV - 2 min, comby UV/ LED : 60-90 sec depending on the thickness of the layer
Easy One Ivory - natural soft white builder gel ( ivory color ) , ideal to be left alone with combination with Milky top Coat as fullcolour or for soft babyboomer . Self-leveling gel, but thanks to its special properties - it doesn't run into the cutticle and leak. It leaves You with enough time to build a nail and make perfect nail shape . A gel that is extremely easy to work with for quick salon work for beginners and professionals. It requires primers and base under / booster, step 1 or any other base /
Tip for easier application and no-file technique: after drying the base coat, apply a thin sliding layer of builder gel as a polish (do not cure ) and with a bigger quantity of the same gel -work from the cutticle area towards the end of the nail / „nail spine „/, then gently pull toward laterals / edges of the nail /,rotate the nail upside down for few seconds to create a nail shape that you don't need to file or file very little. (video on the official Fb site and in the group on FB Jana Nails Official)
Aliphatic Urethane Acrylate, Triethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate, Hydroxypropyl Methacrylate, Benzoyl Isopropanol, HEMA-Phosphate, Methyl Benzoylformate, HEMA, PEG-4 Trimethylolpropane Triacrylate, Triphenylphosphite, P-Hydroxyanisole, Hydroquinone, CI 60725
Anwendungshinweise und weitere Warnhinweise
• Nur für gewerblichen/professionellen Anwendung
• Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen
• Kühl und trocken lagern, vor Sonnenstrahlung schützen
• Behälter restlos entleeren und nicht ins Abwasser bzw. Kanalisation gelangen lassen
• Kontakt mit Haut, Augen, Kleidung vermeiden
• Geeignete Schutzkleidung, Handschuhe, Mund- und Augenschutz tragen
• In gut belüfteten Räumen anwenden
• Nicht schlucken, nicht inhalieren
• Bei verletzten oder entzündeten Nägel nicht anwenden
• Bei Berührung mit den Augen gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und sofort Arzt konsultieren
• Bei Berührung mit der Haut sofort mit viel Wasser abwaschen
• Bei Berührung mit Kleidung, Kleidung entfernen und vor Gebrauch waschen
• Beim Verschlucken kein Erbrechen einleiten und sofort Arzt konsultieren
• Nach Einatmen den Betroffenen an die frische Luft bringen und ruhig lagern
• Kann allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen
• Kann auf die Haut, die Augen, Schleimhäute und Atmungsorgane reizend wirken
• Bei Auftreten von Hautrötungen oder allergischen Reaktionen Kontakt mit dem Produkt sofort einstellen und ggf. Arzt